Tag: casinos

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Canada’s relationship with online gambling and casinos have always been deeply complex. It’s a scene that has seen continuous growth and fluctuation in recent years paralleling global trends. For enthusiastic punters who call Canada home, knowing the ins and outs of online casinos can provide a smoother, safer, and more enjoyable gambling experience. Here, we lift the lid on the online casino world, casting light on the most important facets that gamers should understand.

The Birth of Online Casinos in Canada

The introduction of the internet into everyday life changed many industries, including the gambling industry. Online casinos made their appearance in early 1996, with InterCasino being the first to accept real money wagers online. Canadian punters, like their counterparts globally, readily embraced the concept of digital gaming platforms. For Canadians, the appeal of online casinos wasn’t purely about the convenience of gambling from the comfort of their living rooms. It also addressed the relative scarcity of physical casinos within the country. With online casinos, geographical limitations vanished, and casino games became accessible to every Canadian with internet access.

Legal Landscape of Online Gambling in Canada

The legality of online gambling in Canada is an inherently grey area. The federal Criminal Code does not explicitly outlaw or legalize online gambling. Instead it confers regulatory and legal authority over gambling to the provinces. Therefore, the legality of online casinos varies by jurisdiction. It might come as something of a surprise that despite initial resistance, almost all provinces now permit some form of online gambling. Today, many provinces operate their online casinos, offering legal online gambling options to local residents.

Factors Influencing the Growth of Canadian Online Casinos

The online gambling market in Canada has experienced vibrant growth over the years, and several factors have been instrumental in this expansion. Technological advancements and the convenience of playing from anywhere at any time have made online gambling an increasingly appealing pastime. Moreover, the improvement of broadband services in Canada has provided a more immersive and seamless gaming experience which mirrors physical casino’s ambiance. Additionally, the roliferation of live dealer games has further fueled the growth of online casino games Canada. Visit this link for a further breakdown of online casino games Canada, including discussions on their mechanics, popularity and wide-spread adoption among Canadian players.

The Canadian Players’ Favourites

Canadians have diverse tastes when it comes to their favourite casino games. Online slots are the most popular offerings, accounting for over two-thirds of online casino revenues, followed by table games such as roulette and blackjack. Poker also enjoys a sizable following in Canada, with many players participating in both online and physical tournaments.

Responsible Online Gambling

While online casinos provide an exhilarating form of entertainment, it’s essential to exercise responsible gambling. This entails setting budgets for play, taking regular breaks, and being aware of the signs of addiction. Online casinos in Canada are increasingly employing various mechanisms to assist players in adhering to responsible gambling practices. These include setting deposit, spending and time limits, offering self-exclusion options, and providing resources to help those struggling with problem gambling.

Software Providers

The market for online casino software is fiercely competitive, with several major players providing the games for Canadian online casinos. Industry giants such as Microgaming, NetEnt, and Playtech supply a significant portion of the online gaming market’s games. These companies not only provide the games but also ensure they are fair, trustworthy, and follow regulatory standards, providing additional assurance to Canadian players about legitimate online casino’s reliability and security.


Despite the complex legal situation, online casinos continue to flourish in Canada, providing an alternative source of entertainment for millions. With the right knowledge in mind, understanding the intricacies of online casinos can enhance player’s gaming experiences and ensure they get the most out of their gaming time. Here’s hoping this guide proves invaluable to those navigating the online casino landscape in Canada. Happy gaming!

Postado em: Publieditorial Por: Binho



Saiu na revista britânica The Economist uma lista, feita pela consultoria H2 Gambling Capital, sobre os países que mais queimam dinheiro em jogos e apostas. É quase óbvio imaginar que o primeiro da lista sejam eles, os Estados Unidos, a terra de Las Vegas. O que é surpreendente é a quantia perdida por apostadores em solo americano: US$ 119 bilhões em 2013.


A China aparece em segundo, com US$ 76 bilhões torrados, e o Japão, em terceiro, com US$ 31,4 bilhões. Itália (US$ 23,9 bi), Reino Unido (R$ 19,9 bi), Austrália (US$ 18,4 bi), Alemanha (US$ 14,8 bi), França (US$ 13,3 bi), Canadá (US$ 13 bi) e Espanha (US$ 12,4 bi) completam a lista dos dez primeiros. O Brasil está bem mais pra baixo, com US$ 3 bilhões perdidos por seus apostadores, afinal boa parte dos jogos de azar são proibidos por aqui.


Esses são os valores que as casas de jogos ganharam no ano passado, isto é, a receita bruta menos pagamentos de apostas certeiras a jogadores e despesas dos jogos. No total, a indústria deu US$ 440 bilhões para as casas. São US$ 440 bilhões a menos nos bolsos dos apostadores.


Os Estados Unidos estão bem à frente dos demais países, mas a diferença diminuiu na última década. Apostas esportivas e games em smartphones, computadores e televisões interativas que premiavam jogadores com dinheiro foram proibidos pelos americanos neste período.


E tem um detalhe importante: os apostadores dos EUA perderam mais dinheiro, mas eles são mais numerosos. O país que lidera a lista de prejuízo dividido pelo número de adultos é a Austrália. Os australianos não têm muita sorte em máquinas de jogos de azar, as que não ficam em cassinos. Até 2020, a consultoria britânica espera ver a China na liderança.

Postado em: Curiosidades Por: Binho

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